Thomas Krawford
5 min readOct 31, 2020

What You Saw, When You Saw the Death of George Floyd

A performative summary by Thomas Eugene Krawford Jr.

the scrunched up toes of the author/performer/narrator, standing for something and yet sure of what they are standing up for; or if their stand is actually authentic.

It was about 8:08 pm., on a Tuesday evening.

You were alone in your apartment, but not lonely. You were watching the final presidential debate and not Roman J. Israel Esquire; something characteristically unusual, at least for you; particularly in those late October days of 2020; where Co-vid-19 cases were increasing worldwide…

Thomas Krawford

I guess in many ways I’m pretty naive. I believe that our sub conscious is as organized as our conscious selves and I have devoted my life to proving that 👋🏾